Conducting your Research journey
Once you have a topic, you need to gather a lot of different sources to help you learn more. You'll need plenty of notes from high quality primary and secondary sources. Spend time with as many good sources as possible and you will have a much easier time telling a good story with your final project. Follow the steps below for a solid process to follow on your journey to better understand your topic.
First thing you need is a reliable source |
makE sure you have a reliable website when you search on your own |
When you use a search engine like Google to find your own sources YOU MUST analyze the site first to determine if it's reliable.
thoroughly investigate the source and record good info in your notes |
get all the good stuff! quality sources make for quality notes |
How to SummarizE, ParaphraSE
look for clues THAT LEAD YOU TO more sources |
don't forget to cite your source in your annotated bibliography! click to learn about citing/annotating
More search tips |
History day research tips Prezi |